Wednesday, January 27, 2010

She watches TV

Sundance runs to watch TV when she hears barking (I watch Animal Planet) or any kind of animal sound. I played greyhounds howling on my computer and her expression was just precious.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm taking over

Sundance is settling in and taking over. She has decided that she likes the quiet of the bedroom (our master is on the main) during the day and has chosen to sleep in Jessie's bed of choice. Last night when I went to bed, Sunni was sleeping in Jessie's bed and Jessie was in Sundance's crate. Everyone was happy so I left it that way until it was time to go to sleep. The both calmly exchanged beds with just a little prompting.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

This dog is just FUN!

She loves kids, loves to chase tennis balls, (over and over)then drops it at your feet and looks up at you to throw it again. She loves toys and lays down when you tell her to. She runs around the backyard like she's so happy to be free. She's just a petite little girl and when you look into her beautiful eyes you'll see why she's adored by so many. Sundance, AKA Sunni AKA Sunni D has taken over and loving life.

Settled in AND down

Sundance has finally figured out that she can play and then lay down to sleep instead of having to go back in a kennel. I think she wanted to get every single second of fun out thinking that she had to go back in a cage. She has finally gotten comfortable enough to start roaching.

I have got to admit, there are not many dogs who I immediately fall totally in love with but Sunni is one of them. She just has this beautiful innocence and trust about her that is unusual even in greyhounds. She is a very very special girl.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Just relaxin'


I left for four hours this morning and put Sunni in her crate. When I got home, she was waiting patiently for me to let her out. No yelping or whining.

Since we have been cooped up in the house because of the rain, I thought it would be good for my daughter to take Sundance on a run. Since my daughter's on the track team, it would be a perfect match. Kim knows to walk if Sunni gets too tired to run, which she did. She also came home with another tennis ball. Kim said it was in the street and when Sunni saw it, she made a beeline for it and didn't drop it until they got home. She loves to play.

What a great little dog. I say little because she's even smaller than my two girls who are 60 lbs. Sundance is just more petite.

Playing with toys.

Sundance likes to play more than my two greys do. She'll playbow to them and they just look at her like she's wasting her energy. If you're looking for a playful one but yet one who calms down when you tell her to, she's it. She listens like she's been in a home for a long time and quits what she's doing immediately if you tell her to. She had an accident on our bedroom floor last night and ran right into her kennel to hide when I yelled at her in mid-stream. She's very sensitive.

I'm glad I caught her so she'll learn.

Sundance has become attached to my son and he likes her a lot too. He put his hat on her head and she quickly snatched it and tried to run away. She's full of love and comes up to be petted when she needs a little direction or is just lonely.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sundance finally settles down

It took Sundance a few hours to finally settle in and actually lay down. Here she is laying down and from the look on her face, she doesn't seem to know what to think about it. Earlier she was walking around whining until I got the toys out. It took her all of 1 second to grab the toys and start playing.

When she got here from the kennel, my son gave her a bath and said she was easy to bathe and gave him no problems at all. I clipped her nails today and she wasn't bothered by it a too much but I didn't push it. I am going to do another paw tomorrow.

SAS Sundance has a foster home AND TOYS!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Cute, sweet, loving, affectionate, funny...

'Nuff said.

OK, well maybe a little more. She is a love who really wants a family of her own. Please come meet her. She is a little doll.
